Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Primary Care Management
As a result of the collaboration between the Armenian-American Medical Association and the American University of Armenia, a series of medical educational events has been launched, the purpose of which is to provide an educational and experience exchange platform for American-Armenian physicians and those living and working in Armenia.
Educational events are conducted in the format of lectures and clinical case discussions and focus on common chronic health problems, current approaches to their management and prevention. The interests of local physicians are also taken into account in the selection of topics.
The first lecture will take place on September 7, at 17։00-18։45 Armenian time, 09:00-10:45 EST, through online Zoom platform, on the topic of “Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and primary care management”. During the event, Dr. Raffi Karagozian, Assistant Professor of Medicine at Tufts University School of Medicine and attending physician in the division of Gastroenterology & Hepatology at Tufts Medical Center, Boston, MA, will present the criteria for diagnosis of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, the indications for liver imaging / fibroscan, proper medical care in case of mild to moderate elevation of aminotransferase, as well as modern treatment approaches. After the lecture, Dr. Ara Ajemian, primary care physician and medical director of a primary and urgent care at Valley Medical Group, Montvale, NJ, will present a clinical case on the same topic.
Participation is free. Please register in advance through the following link:
The language of the event is English, English-Armenian interpretation will be provided.
Armenian-American Medical Association (AAMA) is a non-profit organization founded in 1972 that represents Armenian American physicians in the Greater Boston area. AAMA’s mission is to promote excellence in healthcare in the Armenian communities and support the professional development of Healthcare professionals. Through collaboration with partners in the US and abroad, the organization works to improve the delivery of healthcare, medical education and research in Armenia. AAMA continuously cooperates with various governmental and non-governmental organizations in Armenia, aiming to support healthcare and professional needs of Armenian communities.